Editorial Policies

The IJBEL is an open-access journal where authors can publish manuscripts without submission fees and retain the original copyright.

The journal publishes two issues per year (volume). 

In general, submissions written in both British and American English are all accepted.

The author(s) must identify all relevant affiliations to indicate where the study or academic work was approved, sponsored, and/or done. If there are any changes, the affiliation where the work was produced/done must be stated.

A note to state the current affiliation is encouraged. Non-research publications must include the current institutional affiliation or, at the very least, an independent status.

All submissions will be done online using this journal’s website.

A caption is required for each table and figure. If the spreadsheet’s raw data is shared, the file should be converted to PDF and will be stored in the publisher’s database, which means the visibility and accessibility of the data among the editorial board members.

Article Classifications

Double-blind reviewed contributions:

  • Research Papers (max 10000 words)
    Any types of original research conducted by the author(s), such as developing or testing a model or framework; action research, case studies, data analysis, market research, or surveys; empirical studies and articles featuring a practical focus.
  • Research Notes (max 3000 words)
    Any discussion notes, aimed at advancing a new idea or concept, theoretical perspective, research program, or methodological approach in theory and practice.
  • Commentary Papers (max 1500 words)
    Any type of paper that draws attention to or criticizes a previously published article, book, or report as a call to action or an emphasis of practical relevance.

Peer-reviewed contributions:

  • Communications Brief (max 1500 words)
    Any type of paper intent to deliver an impactful message to a specific and right target audience
  • Industry Viewpoints (max 1500 words)
    Any type of paper that contains content based on the author’s opinion and analysis of industry issues and trends in particular.
  • Practitioner Reports (max 1500 words)
    Any type of paper that highlights the advantages and disadvantages of industry approaches, skills and strategies used in actual practice.


Inclusive Language

Embracing Curtin University’s Inclusive Language Procedures to valuing diversity of the community, the authors are advised, where possible, use examples, information and cases from a diversity of backgrounds and take all reasonable steps to:

  • ensure written and electronic communication of the manuscript is free of bias and discriminatory language;
  • avoid stereotyping on the basis of sex; age; race; colour; national or ethnic origin; marital or relationship status; political conviction; religious conviction; impairment; need for carers, assistance animals and disability aids; family responsibility or family status; gender; gender identity; intersex status; sexual orientation; or gender history.

Manuscripts Language Usage

Manuscripts written either in British or American English language are published.

Article Structure

Title Page:

A manuscript submission must include a title page that shows the author’s role, full name, ORCID No. (if applicable), affiliation and email address.

Author’s Role (Bold and Italic)

Author’s Name (Last name written in capital letters and bold)



Email Address 

For Example

Main Author

Ying Ying TIONG


Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia

[email protected]


An abstract of 100-300 words that gives a clear and accurate account of its main arguments, methodology, scope and findings is expected.


Provide no more than eight keywords immediately following the abstract. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.


Except for abbreviations that are well-established in the field, avoid employing too many abbreviations. Such abbreviation, which is unavoidable in the abstract, must be specified at the time it is used. Ensure that abbreviations are consistent across the article.

Numbered sections:

Manuscript is divided into numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered as 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2,…), 1.2 etc with a brief heading. The abstract is not included in section numbering.

Figure captions

Ensure that each  illustration includes a caption under the figure. A caption should be numbered and include a brief title (not on the figure itself).


Ensure that each table is presented as editable text rather than an image. Tables can be included in the article next to the appropriate content or on a separate page(s) towards the end. Any note should be placed under the table.


A manuscript, irrespective of form, must include appropriate acknowledgement for any co-authored work included as part of the article. Authors supported by any third party(ies) are required to acknowledge this support in the article publications as well. An example acknowledgement statement would be:

This research is supported by xxx (funder and initiative or grant). 

Reference Style

All references in the manuscript must be formatted using one of the recognised APA styles.

In-text citation

References to other publications in your text should be written as follows:

  • Single author: (Adams, 2006)
  • Two authors: (Adams and Brown, 2006)
  • Three or more authors: (Adams et al., 2006) 

If no personal author is given, use the organisation name as the author: 

  • (A Higher Education Return, 2016).

When referring to pages in a publication, use ‘p.(page number)’ for a single page:

  • In fact, “a flexible mind is a healthy mind” (Palladino & Wade, 2010, p. 147)

Reference List

At the end of your paper, please supply a reference list in alphabetical order using the style guidelines below:

For books


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year). Title of book: Subtitle in italics (# ed.). Publisher Name. https://doi.org… or URL


Crawford, L. A., & Novak, K. B. (2018). Individual and society: Sociological social psychology (2nd ed.). Routledge. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/curtin/detail.action?docID=5323290

For book chapters


Chapter Author Surname, Initial(s). (year). Title of chapter. In Editor Initial(s). Editor Surname (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle in italics (# ed., pp. chapter page range). Publisher Name. https://doi.org… or URL


Bessarab, D., & Forrest, S. (2017). Anggaba jina nimoonggoon: Whose knowledge is that? Aboriginal perspectives of community development. In C. Kickett-Tucker, D. Bessarab, J. Coffin & M. Wright (Eds.), Mia mia Aboriginal community development: Fostering cultural security (pp. 1-18). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107741768.002

For journal articles


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Journal in italics, volume in italics(issue), page range. https://doi.org… or URL


Burns, T. (2015). Philosophy and poetry: A new look at an old quarrel. The American Political Science Review, 109(2), 326-338. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055415 000076

For conference paper or poster


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year, Month day). Title of paper in italics [Type of presentation]. Title of Conference: Subtitle of Conference, Location. https://doi.org… or URL


White, H., Chan, J., & Cairns, A. (2020, February 13). Practitioner and researcher collaboration through a student master’s paper [Paper presentation]. VALA 2020: Focus on the Future, Melbourne. https://vala.org.au/vala2020-proceedings/vala2020-session-12-white



Author Surname, Initial(s). (year). Title of dissertation or thesis in italics [Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Source Name. URL


Gao, W. (2018). Fuel properties and thermal processing of bio-oil and its derived fuel mixtures [Doctoral dissertation, Curtin University]. Espace. https://espace.curtin.edu.au/handle/20.500.11937/75545

For online encyclopedia entries (e.g. Wikipedia) or dictionary 


Author Surname, Initial(s) or Organisation Name. (year). Title of entry. In In Editor Initial(s). Editor Surname (Ed.), Title of dictionary or encyclopedia in italics (# ed.). Publisher Name. Retrieved Month day, year, from URL


Ecology. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 9, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecology

For newspaper or magazine articles


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year, Month day). Title of article: Subtitle. Newspaper or Magazine Title in Italics. URL


A higher education return. (2016, August 18). The Australian. https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/higher-educationreturn/docview/1811922139/se-2accountid=10382

For webpage on a website


Author Surname, Initial(s) or Organisation Name. (year). Title of webpage in italics. Site Name. URL


Department of Education, Skills and Employment. (2021). International education engagement. https://www.dese.gov.au/international-education-engagement

For webpage on a news website


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year, Month Day). Title of webpage in italics. Site Name. URL


Hill, B., Unik, B., Bonson, D., Dodd, J., & Bennett, S. (2021, June 25). New research shows how Indigenous LGBTIQ+ people don’t feel fully accepted by either community. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/new-research-showshow-indigenous-lgbtiq-people-dont-feel-fully-accepted-by-either-community-161096

  For Facebook post



Author Surname, Initial(s). (year, Month day posted). Content of the post up to the first 20 words in italics [Description]. Facebook. URL


Obama, B. (2018, January 1). During my presidency, I started a tradition of  sharing my reading and play lists. It was a nice way to [Status update]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/barackobama/posts/10155532677446749

For Instagram posts


Author Surname, Initial(s). [Instagram username]. (year, Month day posted). Content of the post up to the first 20 words in italics [Description]. Instagram. URL


Souza, P. [@petesouza]. (2018, February 8). A loving touch [Photograph]. Instagram. https://instagram.com/p/Be8MsHcl8DP

For Twitter posts


Author Surname, Initial(s). [Twitter username]. (year, Month day posted). Content of the post up to the first 20 words in italics [Description] [Tweet]. Twitter. URL


Hayman-Reber, M. [@MadelineHayman]. (2021, July 4). Thanks to all the deadly mob around the country who contributed to this special weather map that @NareldaJacobs10 and I [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/MadelineHayman/status/1411619224720601090

For government ororganisation report


Author Surname, Initial(s) or Organisation Name. (year). Title of report: Subtitle in italics (Report No.). Publisher Name. URL


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022). Retail trade, Australia. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/industry/retail-andwholesale-trade/retail-trade-australia/dec-2021

For press release


Author Surname, Initial(s). (year, Month day). Title of press release in italics [Press release]. Publisher Name. URL


MacTiernan, A. (2019, November 5). Capital idea for landing investors [Press release]. Government of Western Australia. https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/McGowan/2019/11/Capital-idea-for-landing-investors.aspx


Group Authorship

The IJBEL specifies two requirements for authorship credit. To be featured on the publication, authors must fulfil all requirements.

  • Significant contributions to idea, and/or research design, and/or data collection, and/or data analysis, and/or interpretation, and/or writing the paper and/or critically review it for key intellectual content, and
  • Agreement to be held accountable if not all parts of the work, an agreeable part of work to ensure that any issues about the accuracy or integrity of the work are properly examined and addressed.

Before submitting your manuscript, authors are required to carefully consider the list and order of authors, and to provide the final list of authors at the time of the submission. Any modifications to the authorship list, including the addition, deletion, or reordering of names, should be requested before the paper is published and the decision is subject to the journal Editor approval. To make such a modification, the corresponding author must first provide the following information:

  • the reason for the modification(s), and
  • written confirmation either email or letter from all authors that they agree and confirm with the modification.

The Editor will only consider the modifications after the paper has been published in exceptional circumstances. The authors should be aware that while the revision request is being processed, publication of the manuscript will be suspended. The editors have the authority to approve or reject the request, as well as to alter the result of manuscript publication.


All manuscripts should be submitted in the form of an editable file (e.g., Word) via the Manuscript submission page; manuscripts should not be submitted by e-mail or other platforms or third parties. Using an editable file is essential during the peer-review process. Email will be used for all correspondence, including notification of the Editor’s decision and revision requests.

Copyright Notice

The authors retain copyrights of their publications. Papers are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0); in particular: the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Ethics in Publishing

  1. All submissions to the International Journal of Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL) must be original and free of unethical practices.
  2. Unethical practices include plagiarism, data falsification, data fabrication, paper slicing, paper written by someone else for the authors, and other practices that violate the generally accepted research ethics principles.
  3. The Editor-in-chief is responsible for investigating all alleged unethical practices.
  4. In case of an alleged unethical practice, the Editor-in-chief informs the authors of the manuscript, provides the necessary evidence and invites the authors to provide explanation.
  5. Concerns about unethical practices can be expressed by the Editor-in-chief, the associate editors, Advisory and Editorial board members, manuscript reviewers, authors, readers and other people who have encountered such practices.
  6. All submissions to the IJBEL are checked for presence of unethical practices with Turnitin or other software packages before being sent to reviewers.
  7. If an unethical practice is identified during the review process, the review process is stopped until the case is clarified. The review process continues if the alleged unethical practice is not substantiated.
  8. If an alleged unethical practice is substantiated for a manuscript that has not been yet sent for review, is currently under review or has been accepted but not published yet, the manuscript is rejected.
  9. If an alleged unethical practice is substantiated for a manuscript that has already been published, the manuscript is retracted and a retraction notice is published in the next available volume of the journal. For completeness of the bibliographic records, the text of the retracted paper remains online, but with a watermark “Retracted”.
  10. In case of a second substantiated unethical practice, the author receives a life-time ban for publication in the IJBEL.
  11. The IJBEL adheres to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/)